Bjørn Kruse og co har vært på tur i Hemsedal og gir oss følgende rapport:
– 21 jan. me, Nils Nielsen and Johnathan Morgan from Equip (RAB) most likely climbed the first acsent of Grøtenuten right finish. This line have not been frozen as long I lived in Hemsedal (14 years) and is an iceline with a pretty technical crux pitch. Nils Nielsen took the sharp end and did a great job up this beutifull new line.
In total 6 pitches where the first and the last two are the same as the traditional super classic route of Grøtenuten here in Hemsedal. After the first pitch a traverse right (mixed ground) take you to the crux with thin ice and some mixclimbing.
Crux pitch are probably WI5+/M6
– Enjoy the weekend and get out there! Bjørn.
Slik er det folkens! Få med dere isutstyret og kom dere på tur!
Andre lengde: Niels Nilsen i den skarpe enden. Foto: Bjørn Kruse
Travers: Jonathan Morgan på traverslengden. Foto: Bjørn Kruse
Crux: Niels Nielsen på cruxlengden. Foto: Bjørn Kruse