Med den nylige uttoppingen av den 300 meter og 8 taulengder lange Zahir, 8b+, i Wendenstöcke-massivet i Sveits har Iker og Eneko Pou gjennomført et av de mer bemerkelsesverdige friklatreprosjektene i Alpene. Tidligere i sommer har det spanske brødreparet gått rutene Solo per vecchi guerrieri, 150 meter og hard 8c, i nordveggen på El Colaz i Dolomittene, og Alex Hubers Pan Aroma, 9 taulengder og 8c, i Cima Ovests nordvegg, også det i Dolomittene.
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Planetmountain har fulgt brødrene med artikler, intervjuer og video underveis (følg linkene videre). Iker sier dette om bestigningene: «It's really important to try other people's routes, away from home, so that you can compare and comprehend what has been achieved. Seeing the weather in the Alps this summer, we consider ourselves very lucky indeed. We climbed three hard routes, perhaps we could have climbed some more, but it was important for us not only to send the route, but also to spend some time with those who established them. We met up with Manolo at his house in the Dolomites, travelled to Germany and talked to Alexander Huber and after Zahir we drove to Austria and met up with Beat Kammerlander again and talked about the the various styles of first ascents, bolts, pegs, the different protection, the different climbing philosophies. This was important for us to understand and in many respects this has been the best summer in our career.»
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