Lyst til å drive resort?

Om du er gira på et helt annet liv så kan du nå bli bungalowutleier i Laos

Sist oppdatert: 25. april 2018 kl 09.46
Fia Weis på Sackflattern (6a). Foto: Uli Weidner
Fia Weis på Sackflattern (6a). Foto: Uli Weidner
Lesetid: 3 minutter

Etter åtte år gir de seg, bestyrerne av Green Climbers Home i Laos.

De etterlyser nå noen som kan overta klatrecampen langt der øst:

«Yes, it is true: We, Tanja and Uli, would like to withdraw from the end of May 2019 and hand over the Green Climbers Home to suitable successors.

We have experienced many beautiful and unforgettable moments over the past seven years and, as everyone is probably familiar, have overcome crises. Today, the GCH is a place where climbers from all over the world feel comfortable: we have achieved so much more than we ever dreamed of back when we were still in the starting blocks. We had not expected such a great response and are delighted that the Green Climbers Home is so well received.

Year after year, the camp has run smoother, better, easier. The decision to hand over our "baby" is therefore anything but easy, but after eight years in Laos, we are slowly moving back to Europe, close to family & friends.

As part of this decision, we Fia & Flo, would also like to pass the Green Climbers Home 2 from end of May 2019 into new hands. We have been allowed to accompany Tanja and Uli for five eventful years with all the ups and downs, to further develop the Green Climbers Home as a whole and to enter into the next stage of life with many valuable experiences, new friends and lasting memories.

Now we are looking for new, fresh, energetic and motivated managers to continue the camp in the spirit of the climbing community - for our own interest, to be able to enjoy our holidays here in the future ...

So! If you can imagine buying and running a very good climbing camp with a lot of potential and living in Laos for a few months of the year, we offer you a unique opportunity. We simply presuppose enthusiasm and experience in climbing. The transfer date is planned for the 2018/2019 season, i.e. June 1, 2019. Helpful for the "job" are experience in the hospitality industry, experience in personnel management, craftsmanship, computer skills, organizational talent, language skills, perseverance and not finally, the financial means for the acquisition.

We have scheduled more than one year in advance so that there is enough time for a detailed handover.

If you have a serious interest, please contact us by email. A few details about yourself and your motivation would be great.

We look forward to your message!


With kind regards,

Tanja & Uli and Fia & Flo»


I bratta: Uli Weidner på Endgegner (8a+). Foto: Tanja Weidner.

Publisert 25. april 2018 kl 09.46
Sist oppdatert 25. april 2018 kl 09.46

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